Saturday 19 March 2016

10 Things WWE Want You To Forget About CM Punk

10 Things WWE Want You To Forget About CM Punk
It's fair to say that many WWE fans are still one of the following in regards to CM Punk having left WWE in 2014. Annoyed. Angry. Not bothered. The ones who start the 'CM Punk' chants whenever they see Roman Reigns. Writing rumour articles on his expected return. OR have completely moved over to UFC at the time Punk signed for them. Many, many articles have been written about the things WWE want fans to forget about Punk and his career and I'm jumping on the bandwagon, as you can see by the title.
10, The 'CM Punk' chants
Whenever the current state of WWE becomes boring and pathetically painful to sit through, often featuring Roman Reigns and/or the New Day, fans often chant 'CM Punk! CM Punk!', due to fans' perspective of Punk as an ideal anti-establishment status quo promo King that he was in the middle to end of 2011. Now, WWE do't acknowledge these chants outright on TV but they surely want to them to go away and be replaced with chants such as 'This is Awesome'.
9, His feud with Jeff Hardy
Not the matches from the feud in 2009 between the two of the most athletic wrestlers in WWE's recent history. What WWE want you to forget is the real-life edge to the feud that came from the clash between Hardy's drug-filled lifestyle and Punk's straight-edge lifestyle. At one point, Punk said that Hardy knew a thing or two about buying narcotise but didn't know he could get some from a Doctor. A week after Hardy left WWE in late 2009, he was arrested for trying to move illegal drugs. So WWE would like you to forget their personal clash and remember the matches they had.   
8, The Shield was his idea
On Colt Cabana's podcast, Punk stated that WWE Creative approached him with the idea of a heel stable that would feature Big Show and Daniel Bryan. Punk quite rightly said this was stupid and wanted a three man NXT heel stable, that would allow for Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Creative were fine with this up until the very last minute when they decided to have the group, later called the Shield, attack everyone and not have Punk allied with them. WWE want you to remember the spring of the Shield and not that Punk came up with the actual idea himself.
7, He wasn't a fan of Roman Reigns
In relation to the previous point, Punk wanted a heel alliance made up of NXT stars. WWE were fine with this but they want current Number 1 Good Guy Roman Reigns to be a part of it. Punk accepted but didn't really approve (which didn't really matter considering he wasn't even allied with them).
6, His time in TNA
Punk had a brief time in TNA during 2002 to 2004 but the WWE NEVER mention TNA at all. This was evident in the WWE's 2012 release of 'The Best In The World' DVD that detailed Punk's life and career up-till the 2011 Money In The Bank PPV. That's all well and good but WWE left out his time in TNA before moving to WWE's development system. They were happy to mention Ring of Honor, where Punk had signed his WWE contract on the ROH belt, but didn't mention TNA as they didn't want fans to remember that one of their best Wrestlers hadn't just come straight from Ring of Honor.
5, His lawsuit with a WWE Doctor
Punk is currently involved in a lawsuit with a WWE Doctor that didn't treat his concussions and staph infection and has therefore lead to WWE becoming annoyed by the case's long-winded nature and the sheer fact that it just won't go away.
4, He had the best match of Wrestlemania 29
The Wrestlemania 29 card had three good matches (Brock Lesnar vs Triple H, Punk vs Undertaker and Cena vs The Rock II). Punk's match was hands down the best one. Due too not being in the Wrestlemania main event for the third year in a row, Punk quite literally put his body on the line to prove a point to Vince and co backstage. And he did, with many saying that the match should have gone on last. On Cabana's podcast, Punk recalls his discussion with Vince after the match with Punk saying that he hadn't watched it back because he was there. I'm pretty sure that Vince would look back now and say that it should have closed the Wrestlemania 29 card instead of Cena and Rock's underwhelming rematch.
3, He had the longest WWE Championship run of the Modern Era
Punk held the WWE Championship for 434 days between the 20th November 2011 till 27th January 2013. You would think that WWE would want to promote this and reference it as the sixth longest reign of all-time but when you consider the way that things ended with WWE and Punk, you'll understand why they want you to forget about Punk's historic title reign.
2, He was fired on his Wedding Day
After Punk initially left the company after the 2014 Royal Rumble, he was suspended for two months. Evidently, WWE then fired Punk and sent him his termination papers on June 13th 2014. However, that day was Punk's wedding day. Punk obviously took this personally like any other normal person and this is most likely the final nail in the coffin for Punk never returning to WWE.
1, The Pipebomb Promo still has relevant factors
When Punk took to the mic on 27th June 2011 and cut one of the best promos in Wrestling history, the Internet ate it up and analysed it to the death. However, what WWE want you to forget about the 'Pipebomb Promo' is that it STILL is relevant to the way in which WWE run five years later. A few examples being Vince McMahon being out of touch, the reliance on part-timers to boost ratings/views, the lack of respect and opportunities for genuine professional wrestlers and the number of 'kiss-asses' in WWE history.
Ultimately, it doesn't seem likely that Punk will return to the WWE and quite subsequently, he will have a good run in UFC for the next few years.

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